Country Life!

A few things that I love about living in the country!! It’s been 24 years now.

I love sitting on the porch by myself, all I can hear are all the different birds singing at each other, I love watching the hummingbirds, some frogs cloaking from all directions, the creek just below the house is slowly moving, and a slight breeze to keep the sweat at bay. It’s so calming! And the best Exhale..

She enjoys the quiet with me!

I also love just roaming across the farm and seeing all the signs of beauty everywhere! I am always stopping to take pictures. After 24 years my husband is used to me saying “stop” or “pull over” so I can get that picture! I do not claim to be a pro at all, I just enjoy it 🥰

It’s the simple things that I enjoy the most! Today has been a good day so far and I hope it has been for you as well! 🦋

With Love, Hugs and Understanding, Angela KennysBugs Momma! ❤️

2 thoughts on “Country Life!

  1. Susie

    I have love of country in my blood too that took root from spending time on the farm as a city kid. We hope to live out our last years in a small cabin in the country! The smells and sights are glorious!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. kennystrong Post author

      Glorious is a great word to explain the smells and sights! I hope you do, sounds like a wonderful plan! There’s not much better than the simple country life! ❤️



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